Register for FREE in the Dachstein plus Club and secure many advantages:
Permanent price advantages with our partners await you directly in the club platform to redeem: -20% on Martini Sportswear, Gmundner Keramik, JUFA Hotels, Dorfsalon & Dorfcafé, nussbag, River Wave, Blacksheep Eyewear
Discount offers from great partner companies are available in our Club Newsletter: Salzkammergut Festwochen, Gmundner Keramik, EurothermenResort Bad Ischl
Monthly prize draws & goodies also await you in our Club Newsletter: and much more.
Our all year ticket, the Naturally 365 Ticket is exclusively available for club members.
Register now and as a member of the Dachstein plus Club you will no longer miss any offers!